The show is "hosted" by us, Joel and Kyle, and that's all you need to know about us. This show exists because of the passionate and persevering network of Arsenal supporters that stretches all across the United States, and if you're a part of that fanbase, this is your show.
Like you, we live thousands of miles away from the Emirates. When we're not eagerly planning our next trip to Arsenal-Mecca, we're talking about Arsenal with every other American Gooner we can get a hold of, and that's what this show's all about.
Each week, we talk to supporters' clubs, bloggers and Arsenal fans across the US about the last 7 days (or so) of Arsenal brilliance, injury, comedy and drama and with the help of you, the American Gooner, we pick out the best and the worst. Let us know your player of the week or your "Wanker of the Week," or how the current team in general stacks up against your all-time Arsenal greats.
We're not experts (if we were we'd be getting paid for this by now!). We just like to talk about the team with the most free-flowing football in the Premiership, and we want you to join us as we support Arsenal over the internet airwaves.
Up the Arsenal!
- Joel and Kyle
You can follow the hosts on Twitter. @kylevanburen @joeldmcnamara